FY 2024

12. In collaboration with Prof. George Alexandrakis and Prof. Kytai Nguyen at the University of Texas, Arlington, we have received funding from the National Science Foundation (CBET #2421778) to develop a bimodal optical-electrical nanosensor. This nanosensor uses nanopores to rupture liposomes and analyze their genetic contents. Designed for clinical applications, the nanosensor aims to quickly and accurately determine the encapsulation efficiency of circular DNA (cDNA)-loaded liposomes for gene therapy. (July 2024) New icon

11. Matt O'Donohue has been awarded the Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship. He will receive support for his postdoctoral research in Poland next year after completing his PhD in Fall 2024. Congratulations! (June 2024)

10. Congratulations to Dr. Gokhan Kararsiz on the successful defense of his PhD dissertation titled "Investigation of Surface Motion with Soft Alginate Microrobots at Low Reynolds Numbers." (May 2024)

9. Cagatay Duygu was honored as the recipient of the esteemed Frederick E. Terman Award for the year. (May 2024)

8. Navod Thyashan has been honored with both the 2024 "Engineering as Art" Award and the 2024 "Most Popular Engineering as Art" Award at the Lyle School of Engineering. These accolades recognize outstanding visual art representations of innovative research conducted by researchers. (May 2024)

7. Prof. Kim will give a keynote speech at the IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO) from July 29 to August 2 in Zhongshan, China. His talk will be focused on robotic microswimmers for drug delivery and minimally invasive surgical procedures. (April 2024).

6. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk at the 11th International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Bioelectronics (M&BE11) from June 19 to 21 in Matsue, Japan. His talk will be focused on transport phenomena through nanopores for single-molecule and single-virus analysis. (April 2024).

5. Prof. Kim has become a member of the academic editorial board of Advanced Bionics, an international peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research papers, reviews, letters, editorials, highlights, perspectives, comments, and news.(March 2024).

4. Prof. Kim will give a plenary speech at ICAM-BM 2024 from March 29 to 31 in Beijing, China. His talk will be focused on bacteria-inspired nano/microrobotics for drug delivery and minimally invasive surgical procedures. (March 2024).

3. Prof. Kim inducted into the 2024 class of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows. (March 2024).

2. Matt O'Donohue and Navod Thyashan delivered successful presentations of their posters on ongoing nanopore research at BPS 2024. (February 2024)

1. Collaborating with Prof. Tim Yeh’s group at the University of Texas at Austin, we have developed DNA templated silver nanoclusters, called Subak reporters, to study nuclease digestion. Subak reporter is more cost-effective and simpler than FRET-based systems, offering an alternative method for detecting nuclease activity. Our study is highlighted in the Microbiologist, SciTechDaily, NBIC+, Bioengineer, MedBoundTimes, Microsoft News, Azo Life Sciences, Nano Digest, EurekAlert, and etc. (February 2024).

FY 2023

9. Prof. Kim has been awarded the NIH R01 grant for single virus characterization and content analysis in collaboration with Profs. George Alexandrakis at UTA, Steven Gray at UTSW, and Prashanta Dutta at WSU. We will develop a nanopore sensor for evaluating with great accuracy if artificially made viruses, intended for gene therapy, contain their genetic cargo or not, to help address the critical problem of over- or underdosing in gene therapy. (September 2023)

8. Dr. Buddini Karawdeniya has accepted the offer from Ohio State University for her assistant professorship at the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations! (September 2023)

7. Dr. Jugal Saharia has accepted the offer from the University of Houston-Clear Lake, for his assistant professorship at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations! (August 2023)

6. Prof. Kim has been selected as a Brain Pool Fellow to work at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, where he will be developing nanopore sensors for single molecule analysis. (June 2023)

5. Gokhan Kararsiz has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Frederick E. Terman Award for the year 2023. (April 2023)

4. Our collaborative research, in collaboration with Dr. Louis Rogowski at ARA, has been highlighted in ASME Magazine titled "Coated Particle Guided Through Mucus with Magnets." (March 2023) 3. Gokhan Kararsiz has been selected as one of the 2023 Dean's Award Winners at the Graduate Poster Session of the Research and Innovation Week. (March 2023)

2. Dr. Nuwan Bandara has accepted the offer from the University of Ohio for his assistant professorship at the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations! (February 2023)

1. It’s our pleasure that our research in collaboration with Prof. George Alexandrakis at the University of Texas at Arlington on protein-protein interactions though a solid-state nanopore has been published in Electrophoresis. Double pleasure to be selected as a back cover image showing unbinding translocation event of human serum transferin and its receptor electrophoretically driven into a nanopore. (January 2023)

FY 2022

11. In collaboration with Dr. Louis Rogowski at ARA, spontaneous symmetry breaking propulsion of chemically coated magnetic microparticles in synthetic mucus has been published in Scientific Reports. The relationship between different chemical coatings, microparticle velocity, and controllability were thoroughly explored and discussed. Results indicate that the biotinylated surface coatings altered the propulsion behavior of microparticles, with performance differences interlinked to both magnetic field properties and localized mucus properties. Precisely controlled drug carrying microparticles are envisioned to help supplant traditional drug delivery methods and enhance existing medical techniques utilizing micro/nanoparticles. (November 2022)

10. Prof. Kim will give a plenary speech at Digital Futures 2022 from October 11 to 13 in Case Western Reserve University. His talk will be focused on new innovative micro/nanomanufacturing based on small-scale modular robotics. (August 2022).

9. Prof. Kim will give a keynote speech in the International Conference of Bionic Engineering 2022 from September 15 to 18 in Wuhan, China. His ongoing research in modular robotics for self-assembly and disassembly will be highlighted in a keynote presentation in Session 1: Biological Systems. (July 2022).

8. Anuruddha Bhattacharjee has done great job at ICRA 2022 to present his reconfigurable modular robotics for assembly and disassembly. (May 2022)

7. Lyle professor MinJun Kim, the principal investigator of SMU’s Biological Actuation, Sensing, and Transport Laboratory (BAST Lab), along with members of his team will be collaborating with ARA to further advance microrobotics technology for real world applications [LINK]. (May 2022)

6. Anuruddha Bhattacharjee has been selected for a 2022-23 Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, which recognizes and supports outstanding Ph.D. students as they complete their dissertation. (May 2022).

5. Matthew Odonohue has been selected to receive a 2022 National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Fellowship to visit Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology for studying Korean and nanotechnology. (April 2022)

4. Jugal Saharia has been selected as a recipient of the ME Outstanding Graduate Student Award. (April 2022)

3. Prof. Kim will give an invited speech at the 17th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems (NEMS 2022). His talk is to introduce ongoing research about resistive pulse nanopore sensing for single-molecule and single-virus analysis. (February 2022)

2. Prof. Kim has joined the Editorial Board as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO). (February 2022)

1. Prof. Kim will give a keynote speech at the 19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR2022), which will be held on June 4-6, 2022 in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. His talk is to introduce ongoing research about magnetically actuated modular robots for self-assembling and additive manufacturing. (January 2022)

FY 2021

9. Jugal Saharia has been selected as a recipient of a 2022 Travel Award to present his abstract at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting. (November 2021)

8. BASTLab has received a new NSF Foundational Research in Robotics (FRR) grant: Collaborative Research: Magnetically-Controlled Modules with Reconfigurable Self-Assembly and Disassembly. In collaboration with Prof. Aaron Becker at the University of Houston, we will develop modular robotics for in situ manufacturing at the mesoscale (milli- and microscale). Modular robots showing in the YouTube link will be further advanced to fabricate an operational small-scale manipulation prototypical system and demonstrate a 3D small-scale fabrication system. (September 2021)

7. Our flagellated Janus particles controlled by multimodal stimuli in low Reynolds number fluids are highlighted in the American Institute of Physics Scilight! (September 2021)

6. BASTLab has received a three-year CMMI grant from NSF Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics Program to develop robotic microswimmers for low-Reynolds-number propulsion in both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluidic environments in collaboration with Prof. Alexander Leshansky's group at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. (August 2021)

5. Our manuscript, titled "Microbot Swarm Control through Sequencing of Motion Primitives from Optimal Control Trajectories," was selected as one of the 10 best paper award candidates in UR2021. (July 2021)

4. Jugal Saharia has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Frederick E. Terman Award for the year 2021. (May 2021)

“The Frederick E. Terman Award was established by the faculty of the School of Engineering to recognize the late Dr. Frederick E. Terman who served on the Board of Directors of the former SMU Foundation for Science and Engineering from 1965-1977 and as its first president. The awards are awarded each year to graduate students whose scholastic attainments and contributions to the School are judged to be in the highest tradition, which is exemplified by Dr. Terman.”

3. Xiao Zhang has successfully defended his PhD dissertation: Magnetic Gradient-Based Magnetic Tweezer System for 3D and Swarm Control of Microrobot. Congratulations, Dr. Zhang! (May 2021)

2. Jugal Saharia has been selected as a winner in the SRAA poster competition at the 2021 BPS Annual Meeting. As part of this award, Jugal Saharia will receive an award certificate and a check for $100 USD. BPS plans to announce the winners of the SRAA poster competition during Friday’s Awards Symposium. BPS President Catherine A. Royer will be recognizing Jugal Saharia during the opening remarks. Congratulations, Jugal! (February 2021)

1. BASTLab has received a three-year NSF CBET Biosensing grant to develop a highly sensitive and reliable nucleic acid sensing tool based on CRISPR/Cas assays for SARS-CoV-2 detection in collaboration with Prof. Tim Yeh's group at the University of Texas at Austin. (January 2021)

FY 2020

9. Louis W. Rogowski has successfully defended his PhD dissertation: Microparticle Propulsion for in vivo Navigation. Congratulations, Dr. Rogowski! (November 2020)

8. Congratulations to Louis Rogowski on receiving the Best Presentation Award at the NanoScientific Symposium. (October 2020)

7. Prof. Kim will give an invited seminar entitled “Transport Phenomena through Nanopores for Single Molecule and Single Virus Analysis” at the Bioengineering Department of the University of Texas, Arlington. (September 2020)

6. Prof. Kim has awarded a two-year NIH NCI IMAT R21 grant to develop a bimodal nanopore sensor in collaboration with Prof. George Alexandrakis at the University of Texas, Arlington. Our sensor will be able to detect individual TCR-like antibody-pMHC complexes isolated from cancer cells derived from heterogeneous PDX tumor tissues and distinguish specific from non-specific binding, unbound protein, and aggregates to establish targeted pMHC copy number per cell. (August 2020)

5. BASTLab will receive a three-year NSF CBET Biosensing grant to develop a new stacked nanosensor profiling technology for studying protein-receptor complex dynamics in collaboration with Prof. Georgios Alexandrakis's group at the University of Texas at Arlington. (May 2020)

4. Flagellated swimming microrobots featured in Microbiofluidics are highlighted on AIP Scilight. (April 2020)

3. BASTLab will receive a two-year NIH NIGMS R21 grant to develop a high throughput analytical sensor with the capability of analyzing a single nanoscale particle/vesicle ~25 times through automated recapture in collaboration with Prof. Prashanta Dutta’s group at Washington State University. (April 2020)

2. BASTLab has kick off a collaborative research project with the Applied Materials, Inc. to develop new materials for the fabrication of solid-state nanopores to advance single molecule and single cell analysis. (April 2020)

1. Prof. Kim will give an invited lecture in the research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation on Micro-Swimmers and Soft Robotics, which will be held on February 3-5 in Haifa, Israel. His talk is to introduce ongoing research about single particle propulsion using symmertry breaking and flagellar functionalization. (February 2020)

FY 2019

8. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk at the 2019 Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Biomanufacturing Division and International Symposium on Bio-Manufacturing (ACBD-ISBM 2019), which will be held on December 4-6 in Beijing, China. His talk is to introduce magnetically actuated millibars and modular robots for self-assembling and biomanufacturing. (December 2019)

7. Prof. Kim will give a keynote talk at the 6th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE2019), which will be held on September 23-29, 2019 in Changchun, China. His talk is to introduce the design, modeling, integration, and application of a 3D printed high power hexapole magnetic tweezer system for 3D particle manipulation.  (September 20190)

6. Prof. Kim will participate in the 2019 NNFC-Drexel-SMU-KAIST International Workshop on Low Dimensional Materials and Their Applications at KAIST, in which he will present solid-state nanopore technology for single molecule analysis. (July 2019)

5. Prof. Kim will give a plenary talk at the ASME 2019 International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM2019), which will be held on June 23-29, 2019 in St. Johns, Canada. His talk is to introduce transport phenomena in nanopores for single molecule and single cell analysis. (June 2019)

4. Prof. Kim will give an invited seminar entitled “Control of Achiral Microswimmers in Low Reynolds Number” at the SUSTECH Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. (June 2019)

3. Prof. Kim will give an invited seminar entitled “Biologically Inspired Magnetically Actuated Millirobots for Complex Navigation and Modular Assembly” at the POSTECH Department of Mechanical Engineering. (June 2019)

2. Louis Rogowski has been featured for his 4 micrometer nanobots on the Popular Science Magazine. (March 2019)

1. Prof. Kim has been designated as a protégé of a TAMEST member, Dr. Ronald A. Rohrer, and will attend the TAMEST 2019 Annual Conference. TAMEST protégés are rising star researchers and scientists whose careers are on a trajectory to National Academies nomination. TAMEST protégés benefit from opportunities at the conference to network with top researchers in the state and learn more about the science and innovation taking place in Texas. (January 2019)

FY 2018

18. Prof. Kim will give a talk entitled “Position yourself as a leader; In specific, how to prepare yourself to take a leading position in university” at the Scientists and Engineers Early Career Development (SEED) 2018. (December 2018)

17. Prof. Kim will give a keynote talk entitled “Micro-Assembly Exploiting SofT RObotics (MAESTRO)” at the 5th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and Bio-Manufacturing. (December 2018)

16. Prof. Kim will give a plenary talk entitled “Fantastic Voyage -  Micro- and Nanorobots Prepare to Advance Medicine” at the 5th SHTP Annual International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. (November 2018)

15. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Fantastic Voyage -  Micro- and Nanorobots Prepare to Advance Medicine” in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas, Dallas. (November 2018)

14. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Innovations in Microrobotics and Their Implications in a Digital World” at the Inaugural Case Workshop on Digital Innovation. (October 2018)

13. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Fantastic Voyage -  Micro- and Nanorobots Prepare to Advance Medicine” in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah. (October 2018)

12. Prof. Kim participates in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Algorithmic Foundations of Programmable Matter. (August 2018)

11. Prof. Kim has awarded the NSF MRI grant to acquire an integrated bionanomaterials characterization and imaging system for scientific research and discovery-based education in the fields of bioengineering. The multi-functional capacities provided by the integrated confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) – atomic force microscope (AFM) – digital light processing (DLP) will enable us to perform material imaging, manipulation, and property measurements of synthetic and biological  nano/microstructures with optical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal stimulation in both ambient air and liquid environments. (July 2018)

2018 BAST LABS news

10. Louis Rogowski and Xiao Zhang have grabbed the Best Paper Award at the 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, Honolulu, HI. (June 2018)

2018 BAST LABS news

9. The BASTLab was open on June 2 for "Science in the City", a Dallas Morning News subscriber event aimed at raising awareness around science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the metroplex. Tiny robots including soft-microrobotics and flagellar nanorots were deployed in order for visitors to have the chance to manipulate nano/microrobots using microscope equipped with a 3D magnetic field controller and discuss the future of the technology. (June 2018)

2018 BAST LABS news

8. Our effort made on nano/microrobotics has been highlighted on the Dallas Morning News. (June 2018)

7. In collaboration with Dr. Henry Fu at the University of Utah, we received a three-year NSF BMMB grant to separately and controllably interrogate mechanical, hydrodynamic, and contact interactions by studying artificial flagellar motors in mimetic mucus. (May 2018)

6. Prof. Kim has been a recipient of the Gerlad J. Ford Research Fellowship. (May 2018)

5. Our soft microrobots will be deploying to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science for their interactive “May the Fourth” displays, in which we will discuss our research on artificial cells for softrobotics. (May 2018)

4. Congratulations! Former PhD student, Dr. Kevin Freedman, has received the prestigious Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award for his studying biological functions of melanin. (April 2018)

3. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Fantastic Voyage: Tiny Robots in Bodily Fluidic Environments” in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University. (April 2018)

2. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Fantastic Voyage: Tiny Robots in Bodily Fluidic Environments” in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Houston. (March 2018)

1. Our ongoing research on nano/microrobotics has been featured in the IEEE PULSE Magazine: Tiny Conveyance – Micro- and nanorobots prepare to advance medicine. (January 2018)

FY 2017

15. The AIP news has posted a press release entitled “Going Swimmingly: Biotemplates Breakthrough Paves Way for Cheaper Nanobots” based on our journal article, “Biotemplated Flagellar Nanoswimmers”. (December 2017)

14. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Finding Nano in Bacteria: The Bad, The Good, and The Better” in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Texas, Dallas. (December 2017)

13. Prof. Kim has been awarded the Sam Taylor Fellowship from The United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to initiate a collaborative research program with partner research teams at the Max Planck Institute in Germany for the biomimetic microrobot project. (November 2017)

12. Prof. Kim has joined as an Associate Editor in the  IEEE RA-L Editorial Board. His candidacy was vetted by the area Editor, the EiC, the Steering Committee, and finally approved by RAS President Tadokoro. (September 2017)

11. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Fantastic Voyage: Tiny Robots in Bodily Fluidic Environments” in Department of Bioengineering at the University of Texas, Arlington. (September 2017)

10. Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Freedman who will join the University of California, Riverside as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering. (July 2017)

9. Congratulations to Dr. Dalhyung Kim who will join the faculty at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, Southern Illinois University. (June 2017)

8. Congratulations to Dr. U Kei Cheang who will begin a new faculty position at Southern University of Science and Technology! He will be joining the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineeringthis summer. (May 2017)

7. Prof. Kim will give a keynote speech at the international conference on biofabrication, Beijing, China. His talk will be focused on how to fabricate nanoscale robotic swimmers for targeted/localized drug delivery in bodily fluidic environments. (May 2017)

6. Prof. Kim has been elected Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Senior Member is the highest grade for which IEEE members can apply. Only 8% of its over 430,000 members have achieved senior grade. (May 2017)

5. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled "Finding Bacteria: The Bad, The Good, and The Better” for the Fluids at Brown and Fluids and Thermal Sciences Joint Seminar Series. (April 2017)

4. Our ongoing research has been featured on the KSEA Letters. (March 2017)

3. Prof. Kim has been invited to the Humboldt Colloquium at National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., in which ongoing research entitled “microbiorobotics: biologically inspired microscale robotic systems” will be presented. (March 2017)

2. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled “Finding Bacteria: The Bad, The Good, and The Better” in the BME department seminar at George Washington University. (March 2017)

1. New book, Microbiorobotics 2nd Edition, is now published, which presents information on a new engineering discipline that takes a multidisciplinary approach to accomplish precise manipulation of microscale spaces. This second edition covers new advances and insights that have emerged in recent years. Several new chapters have been added on important new research areas, with existing chapters thoroughly revised. In particular, increased coverage is given to fluid dynamics of microswimmers in nature. (February 2017)

FY 2016

28. Our research, "Bacterial Flagella in a Viscous Shear Flow", presented by the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics is now available in the Gallery of Fluid Motion. (December 2016)

2016 BAST LABS news

27. Jamel Ali successfully defended his PhD dissertation: Engineered Bacterial Flagella for Micro- and Nanoscale Actuation and Sensing. Dr. Ali will seek for a faculty position. Bon Voyage! (December 2016)

26. New book, Nanofluidics 2nd Edition, is now published, in which specific applications with a focus on bioanalysis are given with case studies. The end of each chapter now also features a methodology section to explain experimental protocols and "tips and tricks". (November 2016)

25. BASTLab members will show up in the APS DFD2016 meeting to introduce flagellar dynamics and low Reynolds number microswimmers. (November 2016)

24. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk talk entitled "Finding Bacteria: The Bad, The Good, and The Better" at the NanoScience Technology Center in the University of Central Florida. (November 2016)

23. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk entitled "Finding Bacteria: The Bad, The Good, and The Better" in the MSE department seminar at the University of Texas, Arlington (October 2016).

22. Prof. Kim will give an invited speech about nano/microrobotics for nanomedicine at the International Robot-Tech Forum in Robot World 2016 (October 2016).

21. BASTLab receives a three-year NSF DCSD grant to demonstrate the use of rotating magnetic fields to propel and steer microswimmer robots for medical applications such as drug delivery. The results will guide future development of control systems for microrobotics, and advance towards practically controllable magnetic microswimmers in vivo. (August 2016)

20. Microscale 'Transformer' robots are featured in DrexelNow, ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, and etc (July 2016).

19. Minimalist swimming microrobots are featured in AIP, ScienceDaily, UPI, Yonhapnews, and etc (July 2016).

18. Prof. Kim will give an invited speech at Nano Korea 2016, Koyang, Korea: Nanopore Technology for Single Molecule and Single Cell Analysis (July 2016).

17. Prof. Kim will give a plenary speech at ICBE 2016, Ningbo, China: Gangnam Style in Microbiorobotics (June 2016).

16. Prof. Kim has been approved to receive the "2016 Engineer of the Year Award" (presented by ‪KSEA and ‪KOFST) at the ‪UKC2016 by the KSEA Council! The award ceremony will be held during the UKC2016 opening ceremony on August 11 at 10 am (June 2016).

15. Bacteria Boost is featured in the Scientist Magazine (June 2016).

14. “Nanobots in the Bloodstream” has been featured in the EXEL Magazine (June 2016).

13. Prof. Kim gives a talk about microrobotics for future nanomedicine at the Pint of Science in Philadelphia (May 2016).

2016 BAST LABS news

12. Armin Davish has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation: Electrodeformation in Solid-State Nanpores and Its Applications for Characterization of Nanoscale Vesicles and Viruses. Dr. Darvish will join Two Pore Guys for the development of nanopore technology. Congratuations, Dr. Darvish! (May 2016)

11. Hoyeon Kim has been selected to receive the 2015-16 College of Engineering Lindquist Award! Congratulations on your accomplishments! (May 2016)

10. BASTLab receives a two-year NIH NIBIB grant to develop a high throughput analytical method to characterize rigidity of any nanoscale soft particle at the single-particle level and sort them based on their mechanical rigidity or softness. (May 2016)

9. Our ongoing microbiorobotics research is featured on the ASME Magazine: Bacteria Bots Steer Themselves. (May 2016)

8. BASTLab receives a three-year $300K NSF IIS RI:SMALL Award to develop a new type of manufacturing by combining soft robotics and swarm control to construct assemblies in 2D and 3D from individual artificial cells made of hydrogels in collaboration with Prof. Aaron Becker group at the University of Houston. (May 2016)

7. BASTLab receives a three-year $315K NSF BMMB Award to study soft nanoparticle mechanics in collaboration with Prof. Petia Vlahovska group at Brown University. (April 2016)

2016 BAST LABS news: hoyeon phd

6. Congratulations! Hoyeon Kim has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation today . Believe or not (because today is April Fool's day), Hoyeon has become the third Dr. Kim from BAST Lab. BAST Lab members do certainly appreciate all his effort made on the development of microbiorobotics. Once again many thanks to Dr. Hoyeon Kim for success in his Ph.D. research!. (April 2016)  5. Prof. Kim has accepted an offer from SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering to take a position as Robert C. Womack Endowed Chair Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. (March 2016)

4. Our ongoing research in the development of bacteria-powered microrobots has been featured in DrexelNow. (March 2016)

2016 BAST LABS news

3. Prof. Kim has been selected to receive the prestigious 2016 Netexplo Award for his work with micro-swimmer robots. Since 2008, based on a panel vote participated in by over 200 experts and business professionals from around the world, UNESCO and Netexplo have announced annually the Netexplo 100, a selection of the 100 most promising digital initiatives.  From these, the ten most exceptional, innovative and promising projects are selected as award winners and presented at the Netexplo Forum in Paris.  From these ten, a final Grand Prix 2016 award is selected. Netexplo is an independent observatory that studies the impact of digital technology on society and business.  Created in 2007 by Martine Bidegain and Thierry Happe in partnership with the French Senate and the French Ministry for the Digital Economy, Netexplo takes a unique approach to understanding digital society. Through its International University Network, the Netexplo Observatory scans the world for the new faces of tech and their inventions. The founding partners, the Senate, the Ministry for the Digital Economy and HEC Paris business school share with Netexplo a commitment to covering every aspect of digital innovation, whether technological, commercial, organizational, social or environmental. Dr. Kim’s research is with tiny swarming robots that have the potential of swimming through a person’s arteries to detect and clear blockages or to deliver a drug to a precise area of the body.  As an award winner, he will present his work on February 10, 2016 at Paris-Dauphine University, Paris. (January 2016)

2. Our robotic microswimmer has been selected as a recipient of the Netexplo 100 in 2016! (January 2016)

1. Our effort made on the development of minimally invasive surgical nano/microrobots has been introduced in the current issue of FORTUNE. (January 2016)

FY 2015

2015 BAST LABS news

22. Gaurav Goyal has well done his PhD defense to develop and characterize nanopore systems for nanoscale vesicles' analysis. As a research scientist, Dr. Goyal will work in the Quantum Biosystems to develop next DNA sequencing technologies. (December 2015)

21. As an invited speaker in the 19th SANKEN International Nanotechnology Symposium, Prof. Kim will introduce his ongoing nanopore research for single cell and single molecule analysis. (December 2015)

20. Prof. Kim will visit the Department of Mechanical Engineeringat Southern Methodist University to give an invited seminar about microrobotics for minimally invasive surgical procedure. (Nov, 2015)

2015 BAST LABS news

2015 BAST LABS news

19. Dr. U Kei Cheang and his collaborators at UCSC and MSU have been selected as a recipient of the Best Conference Paper Award at URAI 2015 (October 2015).

18. Prof. Kim has been invited to give a plenary talk in the 5th International Conference on Bionic Engineering (October 2015).

17. Drexel established co-op research center with NNFC at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Dr. Kim will lead the center as a co-director to develop nanopore sensors for nanomedicine (Sep. 2015).

16. The Smithsonian magazine has introduced our effort to develop microrobots for minimally invasive surgical procedures: Tiny Robots Can Clear Clogged Arteries (July 2015).

15. The Discovery News has announced our nanorobotics research: Corkscrew Nanorobots Drill Through Blocked Arteries (June 2015).

14. Our microrobotics research has been introduced by the Drexel Now (June 2015)  

2015 BAST LABS news

13. Here is another "Dr. Kim." Paul has done his PhD defense successfully. Now is he a 'brand new' Dr. Kim. The BASTLab has produced two Dr. Kims (Dalhyung Kim and Paul Kim) so far and Hoyeon Kim is doing his best to become the third. Congratulations, Dr. Paul Kim! (May, 2015)

  2015 BAST LABS news

12. It is a BIG pleasure to see a student succeed in career development. U Kei Cheang has well defended his PhD dissertation. Owing to his Permanent Head Damaged work on microrobotic research, U Kei has finally become the 6th PhD student in the BASTLab. Congratulations, Dr. U Kei Cheong! We do certainly appreciate your hard work during PhD research! (May, 2015)

11. Prof. Kim has been early promoted to a full professor. Many thanks to BASTlab members and collaborators for their support! (Apr. 2015)

10. Prof. Kim’s international team, including Dr. Hongsoo Choi at DGIST, Dr. Brad Nelson at ETH, and 8 research groups in Korea, is embarking on new microrobotics research program related to minimally invasive surgery, thanks to a new $18M grant from the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT). The objective of the KEIT international collaborative research program is to develop microrobotic systems for surgical treatment of chronic total occlusion for 5 years. (Apr. 2015)

9. Congratulations! Jamel Ali has been selected to receive a 2015 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship. The NDSEG Fellowship is sponsored and funded by the Department of Defense (DoD). NDSEG selections are made by the Air Force Research Laboratory/Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFRL/AFOSR), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Army Research Office (ARO). The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) administers the NDSEG Fellowship. Jamel’s PhD research will be focused on designing a biomaterial for bio-enabled sensing and actuation. (Apr. 2015)

8. Our research article has been selected on the cover image of Biochip Journal. (Mar, 2015)

7. Prof. Kim has been awarded the KOFST Brainpool fellowship, which aims to enhance the R&D level of Korea by injecting foreign scientists with quality experience and knowledge into the domestic R&D field. He (as Brain Pool Scholar) will stay in the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) to study microbiorobotics for minimally invasive surgical procedures this summer. (Mar. 2015)

6. Prof. Kim will visit the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University to give an invited seminar about nanopore technologies for HIV biology. (Feb, 2015)

5. Prof. Kim will give an invited speech at SLAS 2015. His talk is “Finding Bacteria: The Bad, The Good, and The Better” in a session of Micro/Nano Technologies. (Feb, 2015)

4. Prof. Kim will give an invited talk about ongoing research in microbiorobotics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Michigan State University. (Feb, 2015)

3. Our work has been selected to form part of the MEMS and Microengineering for Life Science Applications feature collection in the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. This brings together the best articles on the themes of micro- and nano-scale technologies for medical, biological and life science applications from recent years. The collection can be viewed either via the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering home page or directly here: MEMS and Microengineering for Life Science Applications. (Jan, 2015)

2. Prof. Kim will give an invited speech at the Belfer Memorial Symposium on Microswimmers, Technion in Israel. His talk is "Gangnam style in microbiorobotics: Biologically inspired microscale robotic systems." (Jan, 2015)

1. Prof. Kim receives a MEM Outstanding Research Award FY2014-15. (Jan. 2015)

FY 2014

11. Prof. Kim has been elected a Fellow of the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE). The nomination for fellow membership of ISBE was started in June, 2014. The evaluation meeting was held in this September in Beijing, and the Executive Board of Directors gave their evaluation result according to the "Fellow Membership Regulation". Prof. Kim has been one of the five fellow members of ISBE granted in 2014. For the detailed information please refer to the website. (Nov. 2014)

10. Prof. Kim has been invited as a keynote speaker at the 4th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and Bio-Manufacturing to talk about "Synthesis of Flagella-Templated Nanotubes for Nano/Optoelectronics." (October 2014)

9. Prof. Kim will deliver a keynote speech at the 4th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale. The ultimate ambition of this conference is to bridge the gap between nanosciences and engineering sciences, aiming at technology opportunities and new markets. His talk entitled, "Biologically Inspired Hybrid Robotic Systems for Nanomedicine," will be introduced to 3M-Nano community. (October 2014)

8. Prof. Kim in collaboration with Dr. Ming Xiao has been awarded a NSF grant entitled "Integrated Nanochannel and Nanopore Architecture for Studying Translocation Dynamics of DNA." The objective of the proposed research is to demonstrate enabling technologies necessary to design, fabricate, and assemble integrated nanoscale architecutre for studying DNA translocation dynamics, as well as to understand fundamental scientific principles that govern the translocation of long DNA molecules (<100 kb) using simultaneous electrical and optical recordings for DNA analysis. (August 2014)

7. Congratulations to Hoyeon Kim and U Kei Cheang whose paper entitled "Obstacle Avoidance Method for Microbiorobots Using Electric Field Control" was nominated as a finalist for the "Best Paper Award" at the 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems. (May 2014)

6. Prof. Kim has been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). ASME Fellows are nominated by their peers and have had ten or more years of active practice in Engineering and at least ten years of continuous membership in the ASME organization. The ASME Board of Governors confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates in the recognition of their outstanding engineering achievements. Only 2% of ASME's more 130,000 worldwide members have attained the fellow grade. (April 2014)

5. Jamel Ali has been awarded the NSF EAPSI Fellowship and the Kling Lindquist Fellowship. (April 2014)

4. Prof. Kim will give an invited lecture to introduce achiral microswimmers at low Reynolds numbers at the University of Nevada, Reno. (March 2014)

3. Prof. Kim has been a recipient of the Louis and Bessie Stein Family Fellowships for research collaborations in AY 2014-2015. The fellowship supports exchanges between Drexel and Israeli Universities. Prof. Kim, in collaboration with Dr. Yizhar Or, the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, will work on a project for entitled "Microbiorobotic Penetration of Soft Tissues for Therapeutic Targeting." (March 2014)

2. Prof. Kim has given an invited talk about protein analysis using solid-state nanopores at pioneer workshop 2014 on nanopore and nanofluidics in Osaka University, Japan. (February 2014)

1. Prof. Kim has accepted a position as Associate Editor for International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems in the "Bioinspired Robotics" section. (January 2014)

FY 2013

20. Kevin has very successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "The Study of Single Molecule Protein Biophysics Using a Solid-State Nanopore." Kevin will join the Edel Group at Imperial College London for single molecule biophysics research. His postdoctoral fellowship will be supported by the Whitaker Foundation. Congratulations! (December 2013)

19. Our team has been awarded a Korea Institute of Science and Technolgy Global Research Laboratory (K-GRL) grant to develop minimally invasive surgery procedures and targeted drug delivery using microrobots. In collaboration with Dr. Jin-Seok Kim at the Center of Bionics, KIST, we will design, model, and test abiotic microrobots to apply groundbreaking techniques and advanced technology to conditions requiring surgical intervention. Some procedures will utilize robotic technology such as closed feedback control and swarm control in order to achieve an even greater degree of precision for delicated procedures. The K-GRL also includes student exchange program between Drexel and KIST. (November 2013)

18. Exciting to see we are one of the five finalists for the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2013 Best Paper Award. The title of the paper is "Feedback control of many magnetized Tetrahymena pyriformis cells by exploiting phase inhomogeneity." IROS is the main international conference on robotics and systems. This year there were more than 2000 submissions and about 900 papers were selected for publications. Congratulations! (November 2013)

17. Prof. Kim is co-recipient, with PhD student Paul Kim and co-authors Aaron Becker, Yan Ou and Prof. Agung Julius of the 2013 Best Application Paper Award from the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence for their article, "Swarm Control of Cell-Based Microrobots Using a Single Global Magnetic Field." The award honors the authors of a paper of exceptional merit dealing with a subject related to the Society's technical scope, irrespective of the author's age. Congratulations! (October 2013)

16. Prof. Kim has become the only winner of the Bionic Engineering Outstanding Contribution Award, given by the International Society of Bionic Engineering. The award ceremony at the 4th International Conference of Bionic Engineering, Nanjing, China, will be held in the morning of 14 August. He will also give an invited talk to introduce the control of achiral microswimmers at low Reynolds number. (August 2013)

15. The Nanotechweb has announced our research effort on biofilm disinfection using synthesis of gold nanorods, entitled "Laser-induced heating accompanied by photothermal conversion in a gold nanorod cluster disrupts biofilm structure." (July 2013)

14. Prof. Kim has been awarded a National Science Foundation Division of Materials Research grant to create and understand the properties of flagellar forests, bio-nanomaterials consisting of flagella patterned to a surface, which have novel thermo-chemical-mechanical-optical properties. In collaboration with Prof. Henry Fu at the University of Nevada, Reno, his team will design and develop biomaterial systems that can exhibit autonomic behavior, which requires understanding the stimuli-responsive properties and collective autonomic response of bacterial flagella for bio-enabled sensing and actuation. This new direction of biomaterials research is motivated by the fact that macroscale autonomic behavior in biological systems is controlled by charge and mass transport at the nanoscale, which, in turn, is controlled by the dynamic response of a vast array of polymeric biomolecules. (July 2013)

13. Prof. Kim has grabbed the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program award for digital light processing with fluorescence microscopy for swarm control of biorobots. The funding will be used to develop a novel integrated system module with digital light processing (DLP) and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) for scientific research and education in microrobotics for manipulation, and sensing, and biologically inspired metamaterials for nanoelectronics. (June 2013)

12. Wonjin has successfully done her Ph.D. defense. Her Ph.D. dissertation is to utilize bacterial flagella as biotemplates for the fabrication of hybrid nanostructures. Congratulations on Dr. Wonjin Jo! (May 2013)

11. Lab Retreat 2013 - We had lots of fun at Pocono Valley. The retreat was such a wonderful time for all BAST members, and we especially liked to see lab alumni in the retreat! (May 2013)

10. Kevin has been awarded the prestigious Whitaker Fellowship to support his postdoctoral resesearch program at Imperial College London, UK. Congratulations! (April 2013)

9. Paul Kim has been awarded the NSF EAPSI fellowship, which allows him to study microrobotics at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) this summer. Congratulations! (April 2013)

8. Wonjin's work on nanoelectronics has been featured on the cover article of Nanotechnology (Vol. 24, 135704)! (April 2013)

7. Dal Hyung has successfully done his Ph.D. defense. His Ph.D. dissertation is to control artificially magnetotactic Tetrahymena pyriformis as a cellular microrobot at low Reynolds numbers. Congratulations on Dr. Dal Hyung Kim! He will join Dr. Liz Kane Group this June for his postdoctoral research in the Rowland Institute at Harvard. (March 2013)

6. Prof. Kim has been selected for the 'Brain Pool', a project for inviting and using the best brains in science and engineering from abroad by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Republic of Korea. Brain Pool Program is aimed at providing incentives for "renowned foreign scientists / engineers and Korean scientists / engineers residing overseas" to come and work in Korea to fortify Korea's competitiveness in this globalized and informatized world. These invited scientists and engineers are expected to help Korea develop advanced technologies at the research and development stage through acquiring cutting-edge science and technologies at an early date. He (as Brain Pool Scholar) will stay in the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) to study microbiorobotics for minimally invasive surgery this summer. (March 2013)

5. Kevin has been invited to oral presentation to talk about his research in single molecule analysis using solid-state nanopore technology at the 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. (February 2013)

4. Prof. Kim will give a talk for the Washington State University MME Symposium Series. (February 2013)

3. Prof. Kim will give a seminar at BSAC in the University of California, Berkeley. (January 2013)

2. Congratulations! Kevin's image has been selected for the front cover of an upcoming issue of Small. (January 2013)

1. Our senior design project team Joseph Parente, Woo Jin Bak, Thomas Hayden, Timothy Garbarino, and Mark Zebley won the Gold Award in the James F. Lincoln F. Arc Welding Foundation Engineering Student Design Competition for their Project, "Enhancement of Flapping Micro Aerial Vehicle." The students created a biologically inspired micro aerial vehicle, based on Allomyrina dichotoma. Award criteria for submitted papers included originality or ingenuity; feasibility; results achieved or expected; engineering competence; and clarity of the presentation. The Gold Award comes with a $1,000 prize (January 2013)

FY 2012

15. Prof. Kim has been invited to the network meeting of the Humboldt Foundation in Karlsruhe. (November 2012)

14. Prof. Kim will serve as program co-chair to successfully organize the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intellignece. (November 2012)

13. Prof. Kim has been appointed as international organizing committee chair to coordinate the 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems. (November 2012)

12. Congratulations! Wonjin has been selected as a Green-Cross KASBP Fellowship awardee. She will get an opportunity to present her research at the upcomming KASBP Fall Symposium (October 12-13, Somerset, NJ). (October 2012)

11. Prof. Kim will give a talk about microbiorobotics at the CoTeSys-CREATE Workshop, TUM Institute for Advanced Study. (October 2012)

10. Prof. Kim will give a keynote speech at the topical symposium on Nanoscience for Biomolecular Detection and Manipulation, ENGE 2012. (September 2012)

9. Prof. Kim will give an invited seminar to introduce microbiorobotics for minimally invasive medical surgery at Semmelweis University, Budapest in Hungary. (August 2012)

8. Prof. Kim will give an invited lecture to introduce nanopore sensing at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. (July 2012)

7. Anmiv Prabhu has successfully done his PhD defense: nanoparticle separation through nanoporous platforms. Congratulations, Dr. Prabhu! (June 2012)

6. Our BAST lab will move in Science Center (3701 Market St) coming July! The Science Center is the oldest and largest urban research park in the United States. We will have a state-of-the-art lab space to study microbiorobotics and single molecule biophysics. (May 2012)

5. Prof. Kim will present research progress in microbiorobotics at ICRA 2012. (May 2012)

4. Prof. Kim has been elected as technical councilor in KSEA, and will give an invited talk at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. (April 2012)

3. U Kei Cheang has been awarded the NSF EAPSI fellowship, which allows him to study synthetic biology and microrobotics in Korea this summer. Congratulations! (April 2012)

2.Did you have heard about mad science? If not, it's time to figure out what it is through this io9 article: 5 Ways Cyborg Insect Could Change the World! (March 2012)

1. Our work with lipoprotein separation in solid-state nanopores has been highlighted in a German magazine called Nano Times (February 2012)

FY 2011

18. Sean Brigandi has successfully completed his M.S.M.E. in the Kim Group. His research involved developing techniques to utilize Tetrahymena pyriformis as a cellular robot. He now works for Remington & Vernick Engineers as a design engineer (December 2011)

17.Two assessment based courses - Fundmentals of Nanomanufacturing & Applications and Fundamentals of Nano Metrology & Best Practices are now available on the ASME's Nano Educational Series - Podcasts - which are designed to offer engineers concise video and audio summaries of nano applications in energy, materials, life sciences, and the environment. The development of nanomanufacturing and nanometrology courses has been supported by NSF CCLI Type I Program. (December 2011)

16. Microbiorobotics - Biologically Inspired Microscale Robotic Systems edited by Prof. Kim, Prof. Julius and Dr. Steager is available online (officially released in May 2012). This book introduces an inter-disciplinary readership to the toolkit that micro-organisms offer to micro-engineering, in which a variety of microrobots and control theories are described to accomplish micro-scale engineering tasks, such as micromanipulation and microassembly. (December 2011)

15. Kevin Freedman has been invited to present his nanopore research for HIV detection at the 2012 Nanopore Conference, in which Prof. Kim as an invited speaker will introduce nanopore technology for single molecule biophysics research. (November 2011)

14. Kevin Freedman and Anmiv Prabhu have been invited to present their nanopore research for protein kinetics and flagellar polymorphism at the 56th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in San Diego. (November 2011)

13. Prof. Kim wins prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship to conduct his sabbatical research at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Germany. The fellowship allows high-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad who already have an established research profile to spend extended periods of time in Germany for further research in their field. (November 2011)

12. Dal Hyung Kim and U Kei Cheang will attend the 2011 International Bionic Engineering Conference at Bostona to present research progress in the control of biologically inspired robotic swimmers and bacteria-powered microrobots. (September 2011)

11. Prof. Kim, Kiran Phuyal, Dal Hyung Kim and Paul will visit Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to have a kick-off meeting for ARO Microbiorobotics research. (September 2011)

10. Prof. Kim has been invited to serve as an editorial board member for the Journal of Korean Society of Visualization. (August 2011)

9. Prof. Kim will attend the UKC 2011 at Park City, Utah to present research progress in synthesis of gold nanorods and flagella-templated nanotubes. (August 2011)

8. Prof. Kim has been awarded an Army Research Office research grant to develop microbiorobots for manipulation and sensing. The objective of the program is to develop a platform that integrates bacteria with enhanced motility and signaling behavior (through synthetic biology) into a microscale sensing and robotic system. Dr. Cynthia Collins at RPI will use synthetic biology to engineer microbes capable of sensing chemicals or other environmental cues and tuning their motility. Dr. Agung Julius at RPI will develop deterministic and stochastic modling and control theory. Our platfrom will be applicable in microscale assembly systems and biosensors that require autonomous coordination of bacteria. (July 2011)

7. Prof. Kim will attend the 2011 ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference at Hamamatsi in Japan, in which he will present bacteria-inspired robotic microswimmers and chair Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee meetings. (July 2011)

6. Prof. Kim will attend the 2011 HFSP Awardees Meeting at Montreal in Canada to present research progress in protein kinetics using solid-state nanopores. (June 2011)

5. The Drexel Board of Trsutees awarded Prof. Kim early tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor at their May 2011 meeting. (May 2011)

4. Prof. Kim will chair a session "Biologically-Inspired Robots VI" in the 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (April 2011)

3. Prof. Kim will present a seminar for Yonsei University, in which research effort on hybrid nanostructures for adaptive nanoelectronics and single molecule analysis will be highlighted. (March 2011)

2. Dalhyung Kim has been awarded the Lee Smith fellowship to support his international travel expenses ($2,500.00) for attending the 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (February 2011)

1. Prof. Kim has been invited to attend the NSF TUES/CCLI Conference to learn the advancement of science education and human resources program for improving undergraduate STEM education. (January 2011)

FY 2010

21. U Kei Cheang and Prof. Kim will attend the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting to present ongoing research effort in insect flight, flagellar mechanics, cell-based energy harvest, and nanoparticle separation. (November 2010)

20. Prof. Kim will present a seminar for Johns Hopkins University's Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics (CEAFM) Seminar Series, in which research effort on microbiorobotics for autonomy devices will be highlighted. (November 2010)

19. The Silver Award (2nd place in Division IV) and the Merit Award (4th place in Division IV) were awarded to Drexel University’s MEM Senior Design Teams in the 2010 National competition sponsored by the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation.  Six MEM and BME senior students: Tushar Sethi (BME), Lonnie Snyder (MEM), Dheeraj Roy (BME), Stephen Tran (MEM), U Kei Cheang (MEM), and Nithya Thambi (BME) shared the Silver Award ($125.00 per student) for their entry, entitled “Biologically Inspired Robotic Microswimmers.” The goal of the project was the construction and testing of a biomimetic, microscale drug delivery system with active propulsion. Four mechanical engineering senior students: Gauri Khanolkar (MEM), Ali Sajwani (MEM), Drew Flast (MEM), and Ross Shacklett (MEM) shared the Merit Award ($62.50 per student) for their entry, entitled “Developing a Foldable Wing Flapping Mechanism for Micro Air Vehicles.” The objective of the project was to fabricate a fixed foldable flapping wing model as well as investigate how aerodynamic characteristics of beetle wings are affected by variations in flapping angle, flapping frequency and aerodynamic force. Both projects were supervised by Prof. MinJun Kim. The awards were given based on originality, ingenuity, feasibility, results achieved or expected, engineering competence, and clarity of the presentation. (October 2010)

18. Kevin Freedman will attend the IEEE Sensors 2010 Conference to present his research progress in protein kinetics. (October 2010)

17. Prof. Kim has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for his international project, entitled "U.S.-Korea Planning Visit: Collaboration in Insect Flight Research". A one-year international research program initiated at Drexel with the participation of Konkuk University is proposed to understand the fundamental scientific principles that elucidate the wing folding/unfolding mechanism and govern the wing-wing interaction between the elytron and hind wing of a beetle during free-hovering flight. Four undergraduate and graduate students will join the planning visit in Korea to be trained to master many state-of-the-art techniques such as DLT and 3D PIV. (October 2010)

16. Prof. Kim will give an invited seminar at the University of Nevada @ Reno, in which biologically inspired robotic swimmers will be highlighted. (October 2010)

15. Prof. Kim will give an invited seminar at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, in which biologically inspired robotic swimmers will be highlighted. (October 2010)

14. U Kei Cheang and Wonjin Jo will attend the international conference on biofabrication to present their research progress in drug delivery vehicles and synthesis of gold nanorods. (September 2010)

13. Prof. Kim will give invited seminars at both POSTECH and Kyungpook National University in Korea, in which bacterial or cellular microrobots for autonomy will be demonstrated. (September 2010)

12. Prof. Kim (CoPI, with PI, S. Kalidindi) has been awarded an Army Research Office (ARO) Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) grant entitled, "Acquistion of a Fast Raman Imaging System". The award will be used to acquire a Fast Raman Imaging System for the collection and analysis of Raman spectroscopy chemical maps on a broad range of objects including bacteria, polymer, composites, nanomaterials, pharmaceutical, etc. (August 2010)

11. U Kei and Dr. Lee will attend the 2010 Metro Area MEMS/NEMS Workshop and give an oral presentation, entitled "Fabrication and Magnetic Control of Bacteria-Inspired Drug Delivery Vehicles." (July 2010)

10. Prof. Kim will give invited talks in universities and attend the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization in Korea. (June 2010)

9. Prof. Kim will speak on 17 May 2010 at Binghamton University, in which microbiorobotics for single cell manipulation will be presented. (May 2010)

8. Prof. Kim has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious U.S. Army Research Office Young Investigator Award for his project entitled "The Mechanics and Engineering of Bacterial Flagella for Adaptive Nanoelectronics." The objective of this project is to understand the unique properties of bacterial flagellar filaments and to exploit them for use in nanoscale electronic device. (April 2010)

7. Kevin Freedman and U Kei Cheang have been awarded the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Kevin will continuously work on his single molecule analysis to understand protein kinetics. U Kei will investigate bacteria-powered microrobots for his Ph.D. Congratulations!! There have been 3 NSF GRF awardees, 1 NSF GRF honorable mention student, and 1 NDSEGF awardee in the Kim Group. (April 2010)

6. Prof. Kim has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (CMMI: Control Systems) for his project entitled "Motion Control of Bacteria-Powered Microrobots". Drexel is the leading institution in this collaborative research project with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The objective of the research program is to acquire an in-depth understanding of the fundamental scientific principles that govern the control of bacterial propulsion systems, as well as to demonstrate the enabling technologies necessary to accomplish the feedback control of bacteria-powered microscale structures for use in micro-assembly and micro-robotics. (April 2010)

5. Prof. Kim will speak on 21 April 2010 at the University of Cincinnati, in which biologically inspired systems for microbiorobotics and single molecule analysis will be highlighted. (April 2010)

4. Prof. Kim will speak on 25 March 2010 at RPI, hosted by the Department of Electrical, Computer, & Systems Engineering. (March 2010)

3. Prof. Kim (PI, with Profs. J. Zhou, G. Yang, and S. Solomon) has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (DUE: Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement) for undergraduate course development. The main objective of this educational program is to bring relevant nanoscale engineering physics and chemistry into the educational experience of undergraduate engineering students as well as develop and test a set of collaborative lecture and laboratory modules in nanoscale metrology and manufacturing. (March 2010)

2. Anmiv Prabhu wins the Best Paper Award at the ASME IMECE 2009. (January 2010)

1. Prof. Kim will speak to the 'UConn-Drexel-POSTECH Joint Workshop on Frontier Research in Nano/MEMS/Bio Technology' at the University of Connecticut on January 27th. (January 2010)

FY 2009

17. Prof. Kim will speak to the Center for Research and Education in Optical Sciences and Applications at Delaware State University on December 3rd. His talk is entitled "Bacterial Microfluidics and Nanofluidics for Microbiorobotics and Single Molecule Analysis ". (December 2009)

16. Hosted by the Laurence A. Baiada Center for Enterpreneurship in Technology, the Drexel Green Initiative and the Great Works Symposium, Dheeraj Roy and Kevin Freedman entered the competition with the idea that a novel scientific device would contribute to the nationalwide green initiative. "Carbon Nanotube Filter to Reduce Greenhouse Effect," won the 2nd place overall and a cash prize of $400 (November 2009)

15. Prof. Kim chaired the Microfluidics Symposium: Fluid Engineering in Micro- and Nanosystems at the 2009 ASME IMECE meeting, which covered the latest developments in uses of fluid mechanics for the design and optimization of micro-devices for mechanical, chemical and biological applications and devices in research and industry (November 2009)

14. Matt Federici has been selected as a 2009-10 recipeint of the Department of Education GAANN Fellowship. Dr. Kim (with Drs. Lowman and Zavaliangos) was contributed to the GAANN award ($653,280) from DoEd, entitled "GAANN: Engineering for Pharmaceutical Applications". The three-year grant is a need-based fellowship that funds Ph.D. students who will receive exceptional training in research and education in the field of engineering for pharmaceutical applications. Congratulations! (September 2009)

13.Rafael Mulero has been selected as a 2009 recipient of the Koerner Family Fellowship, which was established to encourage and mentor Ph.D. students to pursue a career in academia. Congratulations! (September 2009)

12. Ed Steager has successfully done his PhD defense, entitled "Actuation and Control of Microfabricated Structures Using Flagellated Bacteria." He will join Prof. Vijay Kumar's group for his postdoctoral fellowship to further study microbiorobotics. Contratulations, Dr. Steager!!! (September 2009)

11. Matthew Federici is the 2009 Submeta Open Notebook Secience Challenge Award winner. Matt has applied an NMR technique to measure solubility See his experments here. (July 2009)

10. The IGERT selection committee at Drexel University has decided to award Kevin Freedman NSF-IGERT fellowship. Congratulations! (June 2009)

9. Prof. MinJun Kim will present as a keynote speaker at the 2009 International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology in Jeju, Korea. His talk is entitled "Microbiorobotics for Locomotion and Manipulation at Low Reynolds Number," in which a new class of synthetic bacteria will be introduced for drug delivery. (May 2009)

8. Our article, "Galvanotactic and phototactic control of Tetrahymena pyriformis as a microfluidic workhorse," published in Applied Physics Letters 94, 163901 (2009), has been selected for the May 1, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.  The Virtual Journal, which is published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics in cooperation with numerous other societies and publishers, is an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research. (May 2009)

7. Bill Hesse has received the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for his PhD research program. Congratulations! (April 2009)

6. The prestigious National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship has been given to Bill Hesse for his advanced research. (April 2009)

5. Prof. MinJun Kim’s international team (with Dr. Josh Edel, Imperial College London, UK and Dr. Per Jemth, Uppsala University, Sweden) has received the prestigious Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award for his project entitled, “High Resolution Folding/Binding Kinetics of Single Protein Molecules within Nanofluidic Structures.” The HFSP Young Investigator Grants support international teams of scientists who are focusing on fundamental issues in the life science by combining expertise from different disciplines. Only 9 teams among 600 proposals have made it this year. The objective of the project is to define a new single-molecule nanoanalytical technology which will enable the efficient detection of non-covalent molecular interactions with microsecond resolution in order to answer fundamental questions about these proteins, for example, what comes first, folding or binding? The budget of the HFSP Young Investigator Award program is $1.05M for 3 years. (March 2009)

4. Micrographs taken by Bill Hesse have been recognized in the CRF (Centralized Research Facilities) Competition for Best Image. Five black and white micrographs will be colorized and displayed on the CRF website. (March 2009)

3. Bill Hesse has been awarded the Undergraduate Research Award from the College of Engineering for his work on biologicall inspired microrobots for drug delivery applications. One undergraduate from each department in the College of Engineering is chosen to receive the award for their excellence in research. (February 2009)

2. Through the NSF REU program, Rafael Mulero and Yaminah Watshon (Cheyney University of Pennsylvania) are going to present their findings in the 23rd National Conference on Undergraduate Research. The paper is entitled "Investigation into the use of chemically modified solid-state sub-micropores for biomolecular assembly" (February 2009)

1. Prof. MinJun Kim has organized a workshop for "Single Molecule Biophysics World Networking" (Feb 16-17), in which world-recognized scientists in the field of bionanotechnology will talk about their ongoing research topics at Drexel University. (January 2009)

FY 2008

24. Dal Hyung Kim and Dave Casale (UG) have been to Semmelweis Univeristy in Hungary to initiate international collaboration research activities, in which they studied the motion of Tetrahymena pyriformis under chemotactic environments. (December  2008)

23. Anmiv Prabhu has received the "Best Presentation Award - ASME IMECE Microfluidics 2008 - Fluids Engineering in Micro- and Nanosystems Symposium" for his presentation on "Synthetic Nanoscale Architectures for Lipoprotein Separation". Congratulations! (December 2008)

22. Dr. MinJun Kim has been selected as Chair of a symposium for Microfluidics 2009: Fluid Engineering in Micro- and Nanosystems at the 2009 ASME IMECE meeting. The microfluidics symposium 2009 will cover the latest developments in uses of fluid mechanics for the design and optimization of micro-devices for mechanical, chemical and biological applications and devices in research and industry. The conference is sponsored by the ASME Fluid Engineering Division and is being held jointly with the MEMS subdivision. (November 2008)

21. Dr. MinJun Kim will speak to the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London on November 13th. His talk is entitled "Solid-State Nanopore Fabrication and Its Application for Single Molecule Analysis". (November 2008)

20. Edward Steager, Rafael Mulero, Anmiv PrabhuBill Hesse (UG), Dave Casale (UG), and U Kei Cheong (UG) will present their works on bacterially-powered microbots, nanopore sensors for flagellar polymorphism, and lipoprotein separation in nanoscale architectures at the ASME IMECE meeting on 4 - 6 November. (October 2008)

19. Dr. MinJun Kim will speak to the Northwestern Mechanical Engineering Department (29 October 08) and the URI Mechanical Engineering Department (7 November 08). His talks are entilted "Biologically Powered Robotic Microswimmers". (October 2008)

18. Edward Steager becomes a recipient of the Koerner Family Fellowship award. Ed will be recognized at the Annual CoE Welcome Back Reception on Friday October 3rd in the Bossone Lobby. Congratulations!!! (October 2008)

17. Dr. MinJun Kim has been invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board of Recent Patents on Nanotechnology. (September 2008)

16. Dr. MinJun Kim has given an invited talk at the KSME BioEngineering Conference, in which microbots powered by bacteria were highlighted. (September 2008)

15. A small grant from the National Science Foundation (OISE & CMMI) has been given to initiate a collaborative research in the participation of Semmelweis University in Hungary. The objective of this project is to characterize the motion of Tetrahymena pyriformis for cell-based actuation and sensing in low Reynolds number fluidic environments. This project extends and complements the ongoing research by introducing a new cell-based actuation for biological sensing systems. (Aug. 2008)

14. Dr. MinJun Kim has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (CBET: Fluid Dynamics Program) for his project entitled, "Biologically Inspired Robotic Microswimmers." Drexel is the leading institution in this collaborative research project with Brown University. The objective of the program is to understand the fundamental scientific principles that govern the assembly and operation of flagella-propelled devices, as well as to demonstrate the enabling technologies necessary to harness polymeric protein nanostructures such as bacterial flagellar filaments on microstructures for use in micron-scale engineered propulsion system. (Aug. 2008)

13. Edward Steager has been awarded the GAANN fellowship, which is given to graduate students with excellent records who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue the highest degree available in their course study in a field designated as an area of national need. (June. 2008).

12. Edward Steager has received the "Highly Commended" award in the Graduate Student Research Awards Competition 2008. The Graduate Student Excellence Committee grants these awards to graduate students (full-time masters and doctoral) who have performed outstanding research/scholarship in the past year. (May. 2008)

11. Dr. MinJun Kim (as CoPI, PI:Dr. Mira Olson) has been awarded the USDA equipment grant (50K), which will be used to purchase a real-time PCR equipment for qualification of environmental pathogens. (Apr. 2008)

10. Dr. MinJun Kim has been selected as a recipient of a Drexel University Career Development Award (10K), which enables to organize a working group of collaborators in Imperial College of London and National Institute of Standards and Technology to visit Drexel concurrently to discuss a potential collaborative research project as well as offer a "two-day" workshop to introduce development of nanomanufacturing, single molecule analysis for nucleic acids and biomimetic design and fabrication of organic-inorganic nanoarchitectures for faculty, students, and post docs at Drexel. (Apr. 2008)

9. Rafael Mulero has been awarded the NSF IGERT fellowship, which provides the best and brightest students with an opportunity to embark on research in the multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology. Congratulations!!! (Apr. 2008)

8. Rafael Mulero of the Micro/Nanofluidics & Biotransport lab was awarded first place in the graduate oral research presentation competition at the 11th Annual Philadelphia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Research Symposium and Mentoring Conference on April 5, 2008. The symposium hosted students, professionals, and faculty from its nine-university consortium (Cheyney University, Community College of Philadelphia, Delaware State University, University of Delaware, Drexel University, Lincoln University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, and Temple University) and surrounding industry. During the Conference, students from Philadelphia AMP and other LSAMP Alliances showcased their research and competed for cash prizes, awards, and giveaways. In addition, representatives from academia and industry provided mentoring and professional/career development for undergraduate and graduate students to transition successfully into graduate and/or doctoral programs, industry and academia. (Apr. 2008)

7. Rafael Mulero, Ed Steager, and Dr. MinJun Kim have been awarded NSF fellowships to attend the NSF Summer Institute on Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials and Micro/Nanomanufacturing with a focus on "the Energy Challenge and Nanotechnology". The summer institute (June 23 - 26, 2008) held at Northwestern University provides courses on fundamental and recent new developments in selected areas of nanotechnology. The pool of instructors from industry and academia are well known for their research and teaching. The emphasis of their courses is placed on identifying and promoting important areas of nanotechnology, and creating new areas of focus which will augment current nanotechnology research and development by universities, industries and government. The objective of the NSF Summer Institute also includes the training of future and practicing engineers, scientists and educators in the emerging areas of nanotechnology, nano-engineering, nano-mechanics, and nano-materials. The event will also be a national forum to exchange new ideas, disseminate knowledge and provide valuable networking opportunities for researchers and leaders in the nanotechnology field. (Mar. 2008)

6. Dr. Kim has received a NSF REU Supplements grant to support active research participation by undergraduate students. Two undergraduate students will be financially supported and get involved in ongoing research projects: Bacterial Actuation, Sensing, and Transports at Micro/Nanoscale. Interested undergraduate students should start by emailing Dr. Kim with a resume and research interests. (Mar. 2008)

5. Dr. Kim has published a book entitled, "Bacterial Microfluidics - Autonomous Bacterial Actuators in Miniaturized Systems" by VDM Verlage. The book is addressed to professionals in Science and Technology like fluid mechanicians, microbiologists and nanoengineers. It is also directed towards researchers in Microfluidics, Micro/Nanofabrication and Biophysics. (Mar. 2008)

4. Ed Steager has been awarded the Lockheed Martin-George Law Fellowship, which provides financial support to graduate students in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, based on academic merit (Feb. 2008)

3. Dr. Kim has won the Louis and Bessie Stein Family Fellowship to study the mechanical and structural properties of nucleic acids using solid-state nanopores. This is a collaborative research initiated at Drexel University with Prof. Irit Sagi at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel (Feb. 2008)

2. Dr. Kim will speak 14 Feb 2008 in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Auburn University and initiate collaboration with Dr. Hong' nanofluidics group for developing pathogenic single cell analysis (Feb. 2008)

1. A paper published in Small has been introduced as a news feature on Nanowerk Spotlight section: "Live bacteria as mechanical actuators in fluid systems". Nanowerk is the No. 1 ranked information site for nanoscience and nanotechnology with thousands of readers everyday. (Jan. 2008)

FY 2007

26. Dr. Kim has received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his project entitled, "CAREER: The Integration of Biomolecular Motors for Bacterial Actuation, Sensing, and Transport (BAST) at Micro/Nanoscale." The objective is to demonstrate the use of flagellated bacteria as controllable, reconfigurable elements in a microfluidic network of microengineered systems and to adapt polymeric protein nanostructures such as bacterial flagellar filaments for use in nanoscale devices. His educational plan includes offering a course in the emerging technologies in nanoscale manufacturing and metrology for engineering and technology creating enormous potential for increasing student learning experiences. (Dec. 2007)

25. Dr. Kim has been elected as a cochair for the Microfluidic Symposium at the 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) Meeting. He served as a session chair and a keynote organizer for Microfludics 2007: Fluid Engineering in Micro- and Nanosystems. (Nov. 2007)

24. The Best of Program Award was awarded to Drexel University's MEM Senior Design Team in the 2007 National competition sponsored by the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation. Four mechanical engineering seniors: Jigar Patel, Chandan Naik, Socheth Bith, Lindsay Reber shared the award for their entry, entitled "Autonomous Bacterial Transportation Systems in Microfluidic Environments". The purpose of the project advised by Dr. Kim was to harness the power of nanoscale biomolecular motors for engineering applications. The Best of Program Award is awared based on originality, ingenuity, feasibility, results achieved or expected, engineering competence, and clarity of the presentation. The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation was established in 1936 by the Lincoln Electric Company to advance the science and application of arc welding. Awards have been offered annually for 71 years to recognize superior achievement in these fields. The Lincoln Foundation sponsors this competition to recognize and reward achievement by engineering and technology students in solving design, engineering or fabricating problems. (Oct. 2007)

23. "Using Bacteria as a Power Source" has been featured on Drexel Innovations [Watch Video]. (Sep. 2007)

22. Nanowerk and MedGadget have highlighted our single molecule research: "Sucking nanospaghetti through nanopores - the art of single molecule spectroscopy" and "Nanopore-based Single Molecule Spectroscopy." (Sep. 2007)

21. Marquis Who's Who has selected Dr. Kim for inclusion in the forthcoming 10th Anniversary (2008-2009) Edition of Who's Who in Science and Engineering (Aug. 2007).

20. Our research progress has been announced by Softpedia - Nanobiotechnology and SciencetickerNanomachines Powered by Bacteria - Microscopic organisms can move tiny structures when stimulated with UV light (Jul. 2007).

19. Physics Web, the community web site of Physics World magazine published by IOP, has highlighted autonomous bacterial transportation systems: Tiny organisms move microstructures (Jul. 2007).

18. Peggy Savage (Richmond Elementary School) and Michael Johnson (Thurgood Marchall K-8) have joined us for participating in the RET program (Jun. 2007).

17. Visit the "Cool Video Collection" to see recent progresses in Kim Group research (Jun. 2007).

16. Controlled mixing in microfluidics using bacterial chemotaxis has been recently highlighted in Lab-on-a-Chip as an article of particular significance/value to miniaturization research (Jun. 2007).

15. Dr. Kim has been selected for inclusion in the AcademicKeys Who's Who in Engineering Higher Education (WWEHE) (Jun. 2007).

14. Controlled mixing in microfluidics using bacterial chemotaxis has been recently highlighted in Lab-on-a-Chip as an article of particular significance/value to miniaturization research (Jun. 2007).

13. Paul Kim has joined us to study bacterial cell lysis using synthesis of gold nanorods for summer. Paul is currently a Junior at Carnegie Mellon University (May. 2007).

12. Dr. Kim has been invited for a book chapter in "Nanobiotechnology: A New Era of Modern Science," published by Studium Press, LLC in October 2007 (May. 2007).

11. Dr. Kim has reviewed NSF CHE proposals - Analytical and Surface Chemistry: Electro, Nano, and Surface Chemistry. (May. 2007).

10. Dr. Kim has been invited to hold a seminar in Stenvens Institute of Technology on Sep 12th. 2007: Bacterial Actuation, Sensing, and Transport at Micro/Nanoscale (May. 2007).

9. The IGERT selection committee at Drexel University has decided to award Rafael Mulero a NSF-IGERT fellowship. Congratulations! (Apr. 2007).

8. Dr. Kim was invited to lecture "Bacteria Actuation, Sensing, and Transport (BAST) in Micro/Nanoscale" in the University of Pennsylvania (Apr. 2007).

7. Ed Steager has been choosen as one of Honorable Mention awardees for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, which is extremely competitive and prestigious fellowship (Mar. 2007).

6. Ed Steager has been awarded the Joseph Carleone Fellowship, which is awarded to a student in the College of Engineering in recognition of academic contributions (Mar. 2007).

5. Dr. Kim's recent research was featured in the Washington Post: Bacteria Make Fine Machines When the Job is Small Enough (Feb. 2007).

4. Dr. Kim was invited to be a panelist to review Nanoscale Exploratory Research (NER) proposals in the area of biomolecules and electrospinning at NSF (Feb. 2007).

3. Research in Kim Group was featured in tens of science magazine and newspaper internationally: Surfwax College News, Medical News Today, Science Daily News, Physics Org, The Clinician's Ultimate Reference, Librian Resource Center, SciencetickerGastroenteritis: the latest RSS news, Biology Daily, Medicine & Health, The Buffalo News, XenoMedMedical Lead, and so forth.

2. Analytical Chemistry featured Dr. Kim's exciting research with an article entitled "Controlled Mixing in Microfluidic Systems Using Bacterial Chemotaxis." The article showed up in the Feb. 2nd issue of the journal. Dr. Kim's research was also publicized in the ACS News Service Weekly PressPac (selected among hundreds of ACS journal), a package of brief announcements that was sent to journalists at newspapers, magazines, broadcast outlets and online sites.

1. Three papers have been submitted to the 18th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-18), which will be held in Daejeon, Korea

FY 2006

6. Dr. Kim will serve as a keynote organizer for the Microfluidics Symposium at the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) Meeting. He served at the 2006 ASME IMECE as a Session Chair for the Forum on Fluids Engineering in Micro- and Nano-Systems IV.

5. Dr. Kim was invited to present his seminar "Novel Approaches to Nanofabrication for Single Molecule Biophysics," on Nov. 17th by Dr. John Kasianowicz of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

4. Dr. Kim had his paper entitled "Rapid Fabrication of Uniformly Sized Nanopores and Nanopore Arrays for Parallel DNA Analysis" published in Advanced Materials.

3. Dr. Kim has presented a paper, "Nanopore Sensor for Ultra-fast DNA Analysis", at the 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) in Chicago. He was also selected as a recipient of the Microfluidic Symposium Over-Achiever's Award and served as a reviewer for 2006 ASME IMECE Microfluidics Symposium.

2. Ed Steager has started his Ph.D study in Micro/Nanofluidics & Biotransport Lab. He will not only investigate bacterial transportation systems in microfluidic environments but also utilize nanoparticles for cell lysis. Ed received his BS degree from Duke University and currently holds the prestigious DoE GAANN Fellowship and the GK-12 Fellowship (08/14/06).

1. Rafael Mulero has joined Kim's group to study nanopore sensor systems, in which he is going to detect biohazardous organism, such as bacteria and virus, using ultra-sensitive electronics devices. Rafael completed his BS degree at Drexel University and is currently holding the prestigious NSF Bridge Fellowship (08/01/06).

News in Media

15. Lab-on-a-Chip, "Bacteria to pump microflows," Vol. 8, p380-382, 2008 [PDF]

14. Nanowerk, "Live bacteria as mechanical actuators in fluid systems," January 23, 2008 [PDF]

13. Biophotonics International, "Arrays of nanopores help detect individual molecular events en masse," November, 2007 [PDF]

12. MedGadget, "Nanopore-based Single Molecule Spectroscopy," September 5, 2007 [PDF]

11. Nanowerk, "Sucking nanospaghetti through nanopores," September 4, 2007 [PDF]

10. R&D Magazine, "Nano & Micro," August, 2007 [PDF}

9. Scienceticker, "Bakterienals Packesel," July 14, 2007 [PDF].

8. Softpedia: Nano-Biotechnology, "Nanomachines Powered by Bacteria," July 11, 2007 [PDF].

7. Physics Web, "Tiny organisms move microstructures," July 10, 2007 [PDF].

6. Lab-on-a-Chip, "Bacteria support mixing," Vol 7, p417-419, 2007 [PDF].

5. Washington Post, "Bacteria Make Fine Machines When the Job is Small Enough," January 15, 2007 [PDF].

4. ACS PressPac, "Mixing it with E.coli," January 10, 2007 [PDF].

3. Biomachinations, "Bacterial Pumps," December 28, 2005 [PDF].

2. New Scientists, "Bacteria harnessed as miniature pumps," April 30, 2004 [PDF].

1. APS News, "Bacterial Carpets for Microfluidics," Vol 13, No 1, p6, 2004 [PDF].